Prof. Chen Group

Laboratory for Nanomaterials and Molecular Devices


Welcome to Nano@Nankai, Yongsheng Chen's group for Graphene and Carbon Nanotube

Carbon nanomaterials, including Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes(CNTs), possess remarkable properties, such as their high super mechanical strength, excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, and other tunable chemical and physical properties, that  make them promising candidates for a wide variety of revolutionary  applications in micro electronics, flexible transprent electrode, Photovoltaic and Supercapacitor devices.

Our group has been focusing on developing Graphene and SWNTS  synthesis, purification, modifications and their applications to move these two materials from a scientific curiosity to a viable component of future working  technologies and applications.




陈永胜教授自2003年起任天津市特聘教授,南开大学特聘教授,南开大学纳米科学与技术研究中心主任陈永胜教授至今已发表SCI论文350余篇,其中在包括Science, Nature, Nat. Photonics, Nat. Electron., Nat. Commun., Acc. Chem. Res., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Nano Lett., Adv. Mater.期刊上发表50余篇,并有50余篇入选ESI高被引论文(top 1%),6 篇论文入选“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,总引用数>40000次,H因子96(2019年9月,Google Scholar),2014-2019年连续入选科睿唯安全球高引用科学家名录,目前担任《Carbon》、《中国科学-化学》、《中国科学-材料》、《化学学报》、《2D Materials》、《Energy Storage Materials》等期刊的编辑或编委。



待遇:根据课题组所在南开大学化学学院最新政策,根据应聘人员学术潜力、自主创新能力及研究基础,分为博士后A档(每聘期2年,最多两个聘期)和博士后B档(每聘期3年,最多两个聘期),其中A档要求申请者以第一作者在Nature、ScienceCell及其子刊上发表至少1篇学术论文;或者在南开大学化学学院顶尖学术期刊目录中期刊上发表至少2篇学术论文;B档要求申请者以第一作者在南开大学化学学院顶尖学术期刊目录中期刊上发表至少1篇学术论文;或者在南开大学化学学院权威学术期刊目录中期刊上发表至少3篇学术论文。 A档博士后基本薪金40万元人民币/年,B档博士后基本薪金25万元人民币/年,另外均享受天津市给予博士后人员的一次性5万元生活补贴,同时享受南开大学在住房、子女入托入学、五险一金以及编制等方面的相关政策及保障。

博士后第二聘期结束前,工作业绩突出者可通过岗位评审程序聘为南开大学教师。 详情可进一步查阅:


Postdoc Positions at the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (NanoCenter), Nankai University, China Nankai University, located in Tianjin (30 mins high speed train to Beijing), is one of the best comprehensive and "985"/"211"universities in China. The NanoCenter is part of the College of Materials Science and Engineering and the College of Chemistry, with focus on carbon nanomaterials and green energy applications. The NanoCenter is well funded and consists of many state-of-the-art instrumentation for exciting and frontline studies in chemistry and materials science. More Information could be found at: We have multi openings for Postdoc and Staff (Associate) Scientists currently. Depending on the applicant's qualification, salary could be up to CNY 400,000/year. Requirements: 1) PhD in Chemical/Physical/Material Science, 2) Excellent academic records, 3) High motivation and great team spirit. Contact: email CV to


南开大学陈永胜教授研究组现高薪招聘特聘研究员2名,要求:1)从事有机光伏或锂电的应届或往届博士毕业生;2)有强烈事业心;3)良好的团队精神, 4)优良的研究经历和成果。








有意者请邮件发CV和三个推荐人名单给陈永胜教授。 Email:

Research Interests

  • Carbon-based nanomaterials, including Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene;

  • Multifunctional Materials Based on Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene;

  • Organic and Polymeric Functional Materials.

  • Green energy devices using Graphene and Nanotubes, including OPV and Supercapacitor, etc.

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Research Facilities

The Nanomaterials and Molecular Devices Laboratory consists of many state-of-the-art instrumentation for modern research  in chemistry and materials science. This includes instrumentation for:

  • Arc Discharge
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
  • Muffle Furnace

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